Snow Day!!

It was a Wednesday, and you already know I didn’t want to go to school. I mean have I ever actually wanted to go? Anyway, it was cold outside. The coldest it had been all month, so my mom said, “Bundle up. Wear your hat, a thick jacket, and maybe even a scarf and gloves.” Mostly because I have to stand outside, for a good 10 minutes, to catch the bus. I’m inside, where it’s warm, you know just getting ready. Brushing my teeth, packing my lunch, filling up my water bottle, and getting my winter attire on. I open the door… and it’s snowing! It’s snowing a pretty good amount and yet we’re still going to school. I was thinking “Why the heck are we going to school?” However, at the same time, I was kind of fine with it because the snowflakes were so pretty! I got to see them close up too because I was wearing a black jacket. The bus had already picked up the kids down the street, and I had been waiting at the bus stop for about five minutes when a girl that rides my bus came riding by in a car. Her mom stops the car, the girl rolls down her window and says, “School’s cancelled from what I’ve heard.” I said, “Oh really? Thank you.” I walked back to my house. When I got to my porch, my bus still hadn’t come yet, and I called my mom. I told my mom that this girl had said school was cancelled, but she said, “No it’s not, if school was cancelled they would have called me.” I said, “Oh well, she rides my bus and her mom was driving her back home.” “Hold on I’ll check, what time does your bus come?” asked my mom as my bus drove past my stop. “Now”, I said, “It just passed by!” Then my mom yelled at me and told me to call my grandpa to see if he could pick me up because she couldn’t. I did. He said he was on his way to a doctors appointment half way across town, but he could pick me up afterwards. At this point I was crying. Yes crying, I know such a baby, what a drama queen. But, come on, I missed my bus, my mom was mad at me, my grandpa can’t pick me up, and they still haven’t freaking called off school. Okay, maybe I was a little mad too. I turned on the TV and called my friend because she had texted me and I had some time to kill anyway. When she answered the phone she told me they had called off school and at the same time my mom had texted me the same thing. I was so happy! I texted my grandpa that he didn’t have to pick me up anymore because they called school off, and I changed back into my pj’s. Then I ate some food and cleaned the house for my mom because I’m just a good daughter like that. Well, that’s the story of my first snow day in 2019. Thanks for reading I know it was long and probably boring, but if you read all of it, go you. Anyway, until my next blog post, bye!

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